Tag Archives: fast

Kiwi Sorbet!

My mother went to Costco today, and asked if I wanted anything. I said tropical fruit. She said kiwi or melon, and I said kiwi, because I had a sudden thought of how delightful a kiwi sorbet would be. I know, weird, but whatever. My ideas became a reality during the season finale of glee (*tear* was that final Finchel moment not sooooo sad????), and can easily become a reality for you too! All you need is kiwis, lemon juice, water, sugar, a freezer, and a food processor. Et voila!

Peel and slice 7 kiwis. Lay out on a baking sheet and freeze (I put a layer of parchment paper on the baking sheet so they wouldn’t stick). When frozen…
Put 1/2 cup sugar in food processor, and blend for 30 seconds. Keep blending, and add slices, a few at a time. Once all the kiwi is fairly blended, add 1 tbsp (ish) of lemon juice and two tbsp (ish) of cold water. Blend until smooth, or until you deem it finished to your satisfaction. Dish into bowls, and eat right away. I garnished with a mint sprig and a few raspberries, which ended up being tasty additions.


Study break!: 5 Minute personal chocolate cake

So, about 20 minutes ago, I had a craving for chocolate souffle. However, I was also tired and writing a paper and didn’t want to spend a lot of time on it. After googling a recipe for a quick chocolate souffle, I found this wonderful gem. Admittedly, I was a little skeptical – a microwave chocolate cake? Weird. However, it turned out to be quite tasty AND easy. Plus, it makes two, so you don’t have to share your own when curious roommates/parents/random strangers inquire as to what you are doing.

Et voila! Delicious.
